Bliss Heaven's Dew Ministries
Emmanuel Akai
Email: esakomla@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +233 26 610 6200
Congregation Size:
Ministry Description
Bliss Heaven’s Dew Ministries (BHDM) is a charismatic Bible-believing church registered and issued a certificate of incorporation and commencement in November 2018 by the Office of the Registrar’s General Department of Ghana. BHDM sees Jesus Christ as the Chief founder and sole owner. We strongly believe this church was in God’s mind and part of His plans during creation, and is only delivered unto us for fulfillment at His own appointed time. In view of this, it pleases The Lord that Emmanuel Sewornu Akai should spearhead this call. He is assisted administratively by Victoria Mintah Akai, Mary Dieku, Diana Appiah, Diana Agadzi, Evelyn Efua Akai, and Worlasi Akai.
These individuals together with the pastor are involved in running the affairs of BHDM. Their responsibilities include but are not limited to church cleaning, praying and interceding for the church and souls, visitation, counseling, handling and teaching at Sunday school, preaching, serving Communion, altar service (leading various activities on stage), assisting the pastor in various administrative works, coming up with programs for the church, planning and organizing outreaches and events, ushering and receiving visitors and seeing to their welfare, maintaining order and calm environment to avoid distractions during service, and any other duties as and when the need arises.
Those involved serve The Lord through the church in various capacities as pastors, Deacons/Deaconess, and Administrators. Having met the scriptural conditions attached to such offices, and proven themselves capable of standing in these offices with demonstrations of willingness to serve in such capacities, they were trained and ordained to function as such. They are committed and dedicated to the course of the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, and they do so with their time, lives, resources, finances, gifts, and anything at their disposal according to the needs of the church. Such sacrifices and contributions are being used tremendously to sustain and keep the church up to date.
BHDM holds three major services in a week.
Sunday morning service (8:30am-12:00pm),
Wednesday Bible studies in the evening (7:00pm-8:30pm)
Friday prayer meeting (7:00pm-8:30pm).
These services are progressive and each is characterized by different activities.
In addition, the church organizes Easter and Christmas conventions annually to commemorate the Easter and Christmas festive seasons. We also hold and organize other programs monthly, quarterly, and annually under these various names :
Heaven Must Hear
This is a monthly revival and all-night service organized at the end of every month, precisely the last Friday of every month. This is a day service, and it is characterized by praying, worshiping and Praising God, preaching, and intense praying. It is a revival service, and to the glory of God ALONE, The Holy Spirit is always present to heal, revive, and set captives free.
Hallelujah Night
This is organized quarterly, every three months. It is characterized by singing various worships and praises to God. It is a time of thanksgiving and exaltation unto Our Lord and King. We minister unto Him through songs. It is a time set aside solely to magnify God.
Divine Visitation
This is an annual Congress in August every year. It begins usually Wednesday evening and runs through to Sunday. It is a recurring service, with morning and evening sessions respectively. Activities such as praying, worshiping, Praising God, extensive teaching, and preaching with intense prayers run through. It is a revival service as well, and The Holy Spirit is always present to heal, revive, baptize, and set captives free. Ordinations for church workers are done at such Congress. In attendance are other invited guest ministers, who take the podium in turns to preach and teach, and be used by God to bless us in diverse ways. Usually, the morning session is held during a fast, and all are encouraged to participate. All through this Congress the church provides free meals for attendants twice a day. Accommodation is equally provided for those from distant places.
Children Ministry
The children's ministry, known as Heaven’s Kids, are taught God’s word in simple terms to their level of understanding and in truth. They are equally taught to love The Lord Jesus Christ, worship, praise, pray, memorize scriptures with an understanding, and encouraged to live their daily lives as true children of God. We pray for them constantly and minister healing to them when the need arises. They also minister to The Lord in singing, dancing, and choreography. They take center stage during our children’s week celebration. Toffees, biscuits, and pencils await these kids on Sundays for showing up in church. Their slogan is; “Heaven’s Kids…...We are the King’s pride”.
The Team

Pastor Emmanuel Akai
Emmanuel Sewornu Akai was born on Tuesday, 12 March 1985, to Mr. Ebenezer Sewornuku Akai (Deceased) and Mrs. Grace Tetteh (Alive). He was born at Nyamedom in Abura Asebu Kwamankese District of Central region in Ghana. He is the second born to his parents with four others, three direct siblings, and one stepbrother who passed on to glory in 2014. His father before his death in 2016 was a teacher, and his mother was a petty trader. Both parents took a keen interest in the welfare of their children and got them all educated. Emmanuel Sewornu Akai therefore started his primary education at Agricstation Experimental School in Nyamedom with his siblings. He later moved to Harris School Complex in Cape Coast to complete his elementary school in 2001. That same year, he was admitted to read a three-year secondary School level program in a science course at Breman Asikuma Senior High School, and completed it in 2004. In 2005, his parents decided he further his education, and this led him to the University of Cape Coast (UCC) where he studied a four-year bachelor of science program in Laboratory Technology leading to the award of a bachelor's degree. This was completed in 2009 and did his national service at Cape Coast Metropolitan Hospital for the period 2009/2010. After his national service, he had the privilege to work as a medical laboratory technician with St. Joe’s Hospital at Kasoa–Akweley. He later resigned to fill a vacancy at Wesley Clinic on the Kasoa to Opeikuma stretch /road. As growing up children, their parents taught them the most excellent way to journey in this life. And that is to be hooked on to Jesus Christ in all ways and at all times. This took them to the children's service on Sundays. Emmanuel fell in love with The Lord Jesus so much that he called his siblings together and stood as the young boy pastor, and organized service for them in their home each time their parents failed to go to church with them on Sundays for any reason. He will mimic his Sunday school teacher in the person of Madam Mary Mensah, and their pastor; Rev. Furgerson. While in secondary school, he joined the Scripture Union (SU), a non-denominational campus fellowship, and served the Lord in diverse ways. Upon entering the University, he fellowshipped with the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Abakrampa branch. While on the UCC campus, the Lord led him to form a seven-member evangelistic team. This group wrote to churches, and when accepted, moved in to organize crusades with them, and the souls won were left in the care of the host church and leadership. The Lord was with them and gracious to them and they had souls responding to the altar call and giving their lives to Christ. He believed everyone ought to hear God’s word in a lifetime, so with the help of his late father, they purchased in bulk a pocket-size Bible of the New Testament by Gideon’s International and distributed them to souls freely during their evangelistic campaign. Thus, his parents believed in what he was doing for The Lord at that time. The quest for a better understanding of God’s word to communicate it effectively and to bring others to the knowledge of Christ led him to study theology at Greenhills Bible College and was ordained as a Pastor in 2018. He also undertook a certificate course in Christian Theology and Church Administration with the Pentecost University College. Through careful following of The Lord Jesus Christ and obedience to The Holy Spirit, constant studying of God’s word, fervent praying, and listening to other anointed men of God alongside reading their books, Pastor Emmanuel Sewornu Akai has grown his faith and keeps growing his faith in The Lord to the point where he now oversees a church. As pastor of Bliss Heaven’s Dew Ministries, located in Fetteh Kakraba, Kasoa in Ghana, he teaches and preaches God’s word that brings salvation, healing, hope, restoration, peace, and fulfillment unto many. He has put smiles on many faces by paying off their hospital bills, paying school fees for those who call on him, buying books and footwear for some children, providing food and accommodation to some people according to his financial strength, counseling and advising people. He is a look-up (role model) to some people. Soul-winning and church-planting is Paramount to him. But in addition to preaching the gospel and seeing people saved by the power of it, he equally seeks ways to partner with individuals or donor agencies to find possible means of changing and enriching lives in any little way possible. This will be through setting up scholarship schemes for needy children, sponsored skills acquisition and learning of trade for the youth, taking care of the aged, organizing free medical screening during our outreaches or crusades, and other philanthropic works as the Lord provides. On December 7th 2013, he got married to Victoria Mintah Adokoh from Elmina. They are blessed with four boys; Michael Sewornu Akai, Ebenezer El-Nissi Akai, Emmanuel Zeph Kekeli Akai, and Uriel Israel Akai. Together as a family, they serve and worship The Lord Jesus Christ in Bliss Heaven’s Dew Ministries.

Victoria Mintah Akai
Diana Appiah Kubi

Mary Dieku

Evelyn Efua Akai
Worlasi Akai

The Akai Family
Our Region
Fetteh Kakraba is a town that lies on both sides of Kasoa to Cape Coast main road. It is in the Gomoa East district of the central region. Fetteh Kakraba, originally a farming community, was formerly known for the production of food such as cassava, plantain, palm fruits, vegetables like pepper, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and fruits such as oranges, bananas, coconut, and mangoes. However, their farmlands have been converted into settlements due to population increase. The present-day people of Fetteh Kakraba are traders, commercial drivers, artisans, masons, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, welders, tailors and seamstresses, hairdressers, businessmen and women, teachers, and more. History has it that the early settlers were idol worshippers, who didn’t worship The True God for many years. Those who moved into the community early were influenced by such worship. Lukewarm Christians got backslidden without struggle, and those who truly loved The Lord found it difficult living here; amidst all forms of sacrifices and rituals seen performed frequently. In days gone by, when one was known to come from Fetteh Kakraba, the person was seen to be wicked and fearful. The community was formerly best known for land litigation issues, humans going missing over the slightest misunderstanding, murdering indiscriminately, and the casting of spells. Such things made the town gain recognition in the airwaves and other social media handles. In addition, poverty was parading as their immediate neighbor; as the people were cut off from major developments and infrastructures. As time elapsed, different people from different tribes moved into the community. To date, Fetteh Kakraba is known to have all dialects, including foreigners; Nigerians, and Liberians dwelling here. As The Lord paved the way for more people to move into the community, true Christianity came along also, with the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches being among the first to hit the grounds, followed by a Pentecostal-charismatic church, called Old Foundation Church, and a spiritual movement called The Twelve Apostles Church. History has it that more smaller churches sprang up along these lines, but most couldn’t survive at that time. More attempts were made by other pastors, evangelists, and church planters as time went by. Some succeeded, while others couldn’t. To date, Fetteh Kakraba is known to be a spiritually hard place to live and to do ministry. I can remember my very mother’s words to me when I told her The Lord was leading us there to start the church. She also confirmed the land was hard and feared we might labor in vain and wished we couldn’t. Each time she visits and gets to know and see how the church is growing at a slow pace, she will always say; “Hmm, this land is hard and not easy to breakthrough here per history”, and we will laugh over it and she will leave us with “Na nso y3n bↄ mpae, na Ewuradzi b3y3”. This phrase means “But don’t you worry, let’s keep praying and God will do it”. And together with my wife and children, we will all shout 'Amen'. Despite the negative tag on the town, God is equally working behind the scenes and answering prayers. Today Assemblies of God church, The Perez church, the church of Pentecost, Seventh Day Adventist, the church of Christ, and others have gained roots here. Bliss Heaven’s Dew Ministries also made its way here with time. Though most of these churches are not filled, they have believers meeting on service days for worship. Others whose denomination is not in town do travel outside the community for church service and back on Sundays and any other days as prescribed by the church and when the need may be. As directed by The Lord Jesus Christ, we moved into the community; Fetteh Kakraba to start Bliss Heaven’s Dew Ministries..
Religious Culture
From traditional idol worship over the years, Fetteh Kakraba now has churches springing up. As other travelers came in to dwell among the indigenous of the land, civilization and eye-opening, together with education and Christianity was gradually introduced. Fetish priests lost their shrines and abandoned their idols. And today, descendants can only tell of how their forefathers served and worshipped these idols, but can’t even locate or point to where their shrines were situated. But this doesn’t mean the land has completely been wiped out from shrines, very few are still present. However, they have lost their great significance. The community is a land of mixed religion. Christianity, Islam, and those who don’t want to belong to either of these make up the religious culture of the land. The Methodist Church, church of Pentecost, Perez Chapel, Old Foundation Church, Presbyterian Church, Assemblies of God, Seventh Day Adventist, Mount Camel Ministry, Lighthouse Chapel International, and Church of Christ, together with Bliss Heaven’s Dew Ministries are some of the churches located here. There are other churches as well and other prayer fellowships around. The people hold Christianity in high esteem and are receptive. However, most of the actual indigenous of the land don’t like going to church. They easily associate or get themselves affiliated with a church under false pretenses when invited to church, but rarely do you see them going to church. Almost seventy percent (70%) of most churches’ congratulations are settlers of the land and not natives. In Bliss Heaven’s Dew Ministries, we are yet to record a member who is a native or indigene of the land. We are believing God for this, while we keep on speaking and inviting them to church.
What Drives Our Church
Our love for The Lord Jesus Christ and the desire to know Him more and more each day, and to make Him known to the world is what we seek. This is God’s first and greatest commandment as stated in Matthew 22:37-40; and Matthew 28:19-20 respectively. The man of Calvary, Jesus Christ, is The One we seek for ourselves, and to make known and share among the nations. He is the perfect definition of God’s love manifested in the flesh, and this we believe is an undeniable truth that must be shared with all men. Jesus Christ is the ONLY PURPOSE AND REASON behind our church and ministry. This drives our church into worship, teaching and preaching, organizing programs, evangelism, fellowships with the brethren, and discipleship. Our songs aim at ministering to The Lord and proclaiming His greatness among His creations, while our sermons and teachings have a clear goal of pointing the individual to Christ and disciple them to be like Christ Jesus alone. Thus, Christ takes center stage in all our activities, the very personality we focus on, and the reason for our incorporation. Our worship and praises are Christ-centered and emanate from our view of the fact that He ALONE IS WORTHY to receive praise and glory from every creature. The quest of seeing The Father’s heart desire of all people coming to the knowledge of salvation available in Our Lord Jesus Christ alone before their death, and not wanting any to perish compels us to respond to the great commission. Telling of our faith, sharing Christ with others, and inviting people to church to participate in our service are not limited to just a few. Instead, all are encouraged to do so as a sign of their personal love and devotion to the King and also a way of saying “Thank You” to Jesus Christ for the price paid on the cross. Our gospel campaign dubbed “ Reach Out For Souls” (ROFS) is the evangelism wing of the church. This unit is responsible for planning and going for outreach Programs, crusades, and other Christ-centered outdoor programs aimed at bringing others to the feet of Jesus. At Bliss Heaven’s Dew Ministries, each person/soul is thought and encouraged to know The Lord Jesus Christ personally for himself. This we do through constant teaching and preaching of the gospel, worship, praises, holding and organizing Christ-centered events that have a positive impact on one’s faith, love, and understanding of the things of God. Jesus Christ is our sole focus and not us in any way. He is the very one we seek to project with our lives and every resource and blessing He freely gives us.
Ministerial Challenges
1. People prefer associating themselves with already existing big churches rather than new upcoming ones. Their mindset is that these small churches won’t make it and will not survive the waves. It becomes a discussion among folks that discourages people from coming to church and being fully committed. This has a direct impact on the church’s numerical growth. 2. Others would like to know where the headquarters of the church is located, how many branches it has, and who the founder is. It’s something some people would ask before deciding to honor an invitation to church. In this way, they don’t want a local church. The name of a church or denomination has made for itself is a condition some people would consider before honoring an invitation to church. 3. Others are accustomed to traditional festival celebrations and just traveling for funerals. The dead are highly celebrated in Ghana and great funerals are held in their honor, mostly beginning from Friday to Sunday. And this equally affects church attendance as most travel often for funerals and other traditional or community activities. 4. Some also feel their problems are bigger than the power available to the church, with the mindset that the church is not in a position to help them in any way. This is particular for those who think their problems are more spiritual, and think those evil spirits behind their problems are powerful and nothing can be done about it by anyone. Hence coming to church is just a waste of time, according to such people. 5. The high illiteracy rate is another major challenge the church is battling with. Due to the fact that many of the inhabitants of the town are uneducated, it makes it challenging to explain basic Christian doctrines and ideologies to them. Most of them, because they are not able to read and understand the Bible themselves, hear the word of God and regard it as stories or things that happened some time ago, which does not matter to their lives and situations currently, but they just enjoy being part of an assembly where they call church. This makes them not really grounded in God’s word and easily get blown down by any passing wave. This has a great impact on the growth of the church, both spiritual and numerical. In so doing, the church has taken practical steps to ensure members can read and understand the scriptures with the help of the Holy Spirit who resides in us. The church in implementing this has asked the pastor’s wife who is a teacher to organize adult education for our members to help achieve this purpose which in the long run will help each member to know God as they read His word personally. 6. Unemployment: The great economic crisis in the nation has resulted in massive unemployment which is affecting the church a great deal. Due to the instability of the economy, most of the women in the church are unemployed, making it difficult for them to meet basic necessities like food, shelter, and education for their children and families. Most of them are also single mothers who have children with different men they did not get married to, and now these children have been abandoned by their fathers, leaving the responsibilities to the women to single-handedly take care of. These individuals with their mothers intend to seek help from the church which has put a lot of financial burden on myself and my wife since the church as of now is not financially in that position to help. In most instances, we strive hard to help in any one way possible that we can to make lives comfortable for them. We do pay school fees, buy food, books, dresses, shoes, and even pay rent for some families just to help out. There have been instances where there were lots of financial burdens on us so much that it made it difficult for us to help out. This resulted in some members feeling bad and wouldn’t show up for church for a while. Some would come to church again, while others wouldn’t, even after several visitations and talks with them by leadership. Even those who have the support of their husbands do fall on the church from time to time for financial help since their husbands’ jobs can not sustain their families. Especially in cases of eventualities or unexpected expenses like paying for hospital bills. All these things have challenged the church’s growth and development, especially in cases where we cannot step in, they get offended and stop the church. 7. The financial standing of the church is very low. The major way the church raises funds is through our offering. Most church members don’t pay tithe and even the offering is something meagre. And of this, we have to be ready to give out to someone who comes up with a problem or with a need. In so doing, the major financial obligations of the church are being borne by us personally, (my wife and I). And because of this, we are not able to do much due to limited financial strength. 8. Our place of worship is in a rented property. Renewing the rent, coupled with paying off bills such as electricity bills is much of a challenge, but God is faithful and seeing us through, though it’s not easy. We are trusting God to help us get a land of our own and put up a building. We have frequent light outs (power outages) here in Fetteh Kakraba, and this affects our evening service. People take it as an excuse and wouldn’t turn up. We wish to have a generator to help us cope with the lighting system. We also trust God to bless us with good musical instruments with correct sounds so that our outreaches and crusades will be more vibrant and effective to the glory of God. We need a bus or van to transport those from nearby towns and villages to church. All these are kingdom investments that will surely attract Heaven’s response and blessings.
Aug 16, 2024 - Nov 1, 2024
2024 Bible Fundraiser
Our first fundraiser with Bliss Heavens Drew Ministry has a goal of sending 50 pew Bibles to the Akai family church in Ghana. The goal for this fundraiser is to send these hardcover long-lasting Bibles so attendees of BHDM can read firsthand God's Word and study it while visiting the church. In hopes of having a supply of Bibles, we pray that this will help BHDM grow its congregation size to reach more souls and followers of Christ.