We want to thank God for bringing each and every one of you to our Ministry! A special thanks to all of our donors as well for your generous donations and support towards the projects below.

Jesus' last command to His disciples before ascending to Heaven instructed them to take His teachings and accomplishment on the Cross to share with the entire creation. In a direct reflection of Jesus' ministry, His final command applies a weight to each Christian's shoulder. It is a Christian's duty to not only accept the Gospel and allow Jesus' sacrificial gift to contour a believer into obedient repentance, but it requires a reverse of character. When a person is first born again, they seek guidance and knowledge from others to understand and compile scripture together. As believers mature in their faith, they are called by this instruction to share what they have learned. Not everyone needs to be a Pastor, Evangelist, Missionary, or hold a ministry position. The Gospel is so easy to understand that anyone can spread the good news. Sometimes all it takes is a bold expression of faith to initiate someone else's journey.
Malawi Bible Fundraiser Update
Pastor Anthony has received the first shipment of Bibles! Within this shipment, Pastor Anthony received 28 English New King James version Bibles. An order was also submitted for 40 Bibles in the native "Chichewa" language from the Bible Society of Malawi in which Pastor Anthony was able to pick up. All of these Bibles have been distributed in Pastor Anthony's community.
This was the first round of Bibles being delivered to Pastor Anthony, and with your help we can continue to provide his community with more copies! Thanks to all of our donor's for providing the funds needed for this project! To view updates, donate, and share this fundraiser, click here! Please pray about this goal being achieved. Flyers are available upon request to download and print. Contact us here at our main contact page to be part of the fundraiser in this way.
Free Bible Program

The ministry has received a huge influx in Bible requests! The current rate of increase for the Free Bible program is up 545% since last June. As this is a huge blessing to us for God to bring so many people to our organization to supply His word to, we are having a hard time keeping up with orders. To continue the Free Bible Program, which is our United States based program, a minimum of $500 extra each month is needed to continue supporting it. We are in need of supportive donors to help us keep up with the increasing demand for this program. The ministry has implemented a new stage of our Free Bible Program where donors are able to sponsor the Bibles going out! By filling out the sponsor form, donors are able to share their name, state, and a brief message with the recipients of the gift(s) on a physical card which will be included with the Bible.